Help Fight Anti-Police / Anti-Union Bills In Albany

We are living in unprecedented times, where both police and other civil servants are under attack from Albany. There are three bills that the NYSFOP, and a coalition of other NY Police Unions, are working to fight.

(1) The Police Accountability Act: Senate Bill S.6615 Assembly Bill A.7835

This bill would make it a crime to use deadly force when trying to arrest a person who has committed murder, forcible rape, forcible criminal sexual act, or to stop a kidnapping. If passed, this bill will put the lives of both citizens and officers in danger.

To sign a petition to stop Senate Bill S. 6615, click here:

NO on S.6615- Keep New Yorkers Safe! (

(2) An Act to Amend the Civil Rights Law, in relation to providing a Civil Action for deprivation of rights: Senate Bill S.1991 Assembly Bill A 4331

If passed, this bill would eliminate qualified immunity for Police and Peace Officers throughout NYS. NYPD has already lost qualified immunity. Qualified immunity is the practice of not being able to file a civil lawsuit against a government official performing his or her official duties unless they violate "clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known." If this bill passes, many Police and Peace Officers will find themselves being sued civilly for merely doing their jobs.

To read the bill, click here: NY State Senate Bill S1991 (

(3) The New York Health Plan: Senate Bill S.5474 Assembly Bill A 6058.

This bill affects all Civil Servants in NYS, both retired and active. NY Health Plan is a universal health plan for all of NYS. This bill, if passed, would affect your health insurance coverage and severely restricts your health insurance if you leave NYS.

To read bill, click here: NY State Senate Bill S5474 (

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